Monday, November 8, 2010

Rickey Hendon Drops Mayor Race, Praises Danny Davis

On Friday Nov. 5, recognizing that he didn't have enough support among black politicians to win the Chicago mayor's race, State Sen. Rickey Hendon announced he was dropping his campaign.  He also said he wants to watch his health, as he has been diagnosed with high blood pressure.  He said his health condition may have contributed to the harshness of his criticisms against Republican governor candidate Bill Brady.  He also said that many political leaders have no conception of the hardships faced by many African American communities right now, including his own West Side.   Rickey praised Congressman Danny Davis, an early political mentor of his with extensive experience in city and national office, saying Davis would make a good mayor.

The next day, Nov. 6, in a reversal of an earlier decision, a group of black leaders endorsed Davis as the coalition African-American candidate.  Carol Moseley Braun, however, is continuing her campaign and two Latino candidates are strong enough to make the race as well. Sheriff Tom Dart, citing family concerns and Alderman Fioretti cited health concerns, leaving Rahm Emanuel as the leading European American candidate. NBC Chicago's pundits have already begun speculating about a Davis vs. Rahm race:

Rickey will surely give us all the scoop. He continues to support Patricia Horton in the city clerk's race. Pat is currently serving on the Water Reclamation Board and has become familiar with some infrastructure problems in the city. She is campaigning on a platform of increased service and openness to citizens.

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