Thursday, March 25, 2010

Ex Felons Want to Help Kids Avoid Their Fate

 Senator Hendon's district has one of the highest percentages of ex-offenders not only
in Chicago but nationwide.  Some of them are trying to turn not only their lives around, 
but the lives of their youth.  Reginald "Akkeem" Berry spoke to the community meeting
about a problem in Chicago Public Schools policy, as well as possibly in state law, that makes 
their job harder.  Akkeem and some fellow ex-felons and allies had a demonstration 
outside CPS offices on March 18, encouraging CPS to take a look at ways to involve ex offedenders
in education.  He advocates a a policy that is watchful over the ex-offenders but doesn't 
ban their employment.  
Contact: Reginald "Akkeem" Berry, Jr., 773-957-4214 
Interviews available from:Reginald "Akkeem" Berry, Jr.,Q.L. Anthony,
Bonni McKeown 

Ex-Felons Barred from Urging Youth to Give Up Their Guns

A diverse group of educators, community leaders and ex-gang members  
gathered in front of the headquarters of the Chicago Public Schools at  
125 South Clark Street and marched to the State of Illinois Building  
to protest a state law banning former felons from working in  
Ironically, the same felons are allowed to speak in the classroom in 
volunteer programs. But they are not allowed to get paid as contractors,
which would allow them the opportunity to make a living--a problem
that often drives ex-offenders back to a criminal lifestyle. 
The law, intended to protect children, has instead had the  
effect of denying kids access to the best gang and violence prevention  
information around:  straight-talk from reformed, former gang  
bangers.  Speakers at the demonstration on Thursday lamented the  
recent, tragic surge of youth murders in Chicago, and argued that  
children were being systematically denied information that could save  
their lives. The law or policy, they argued, must be repealed.  Former gang  
members led the crowd of 40 in a chant: "Change the law, before its  
too late, let the kids learn--from our mistakes".

The event was sponsored by Saving Our Sons Ministries founded in 2006  
by Reginald  "Akkeem" Berry, Jr.  Berry, who turned his life around  
after decades of imprisonment for a murder he committed 22 years ago,  
is committed to stopping the cycle of gun violence. "I worked hard to  
put my life back on track, and now I work just as diligently to  
prevent youth from making the mistakes I did." Mayor Daley has  
recognized him for his work, and signs at the protest displayed  
glowing letters of recommendation from police officers and  
schoolteachers for his educational programs. Kids listen to him  
because he speaks from experience. "Real recognizes Real,” Berry said.

Another educator and ex-felon Q.L Anthony echoed the same themes,  
"Kids don't listen to pubic school administrators because they can't  
relate to them, but they see me and they know I am speaking from the  
heart." Anthony has led classes that literally disarm at-risk youth.  
"I have had kids hand over their guns at the end of the program,"  
Anthony said, "so I know I am doing something right." Because of this  
law against ex-felons however, he cannot be compensated for his work  
for the public schools, so he does it on a purely volunteer basis.   
Other protesters echoed his plea to "give us the chance to atone for  
the harm we have done, by preventing future violence."

Red Light Cameras Being Curbed!

State Sen. Rickey Hendon told his weekly community meeting March 22 that he'd been able to amend the red light camera reform bill enough to change the red-light cameras "from a billion dollar to a half billion dollar business."  Here's my understanding of the reforms. Stay tuned for where the bill goes from here.
---Stop cameras from giving tickets for right turns on red.
---Police must review all camera-originated tickets
---A study of safety at camera intersections, followed by the removal of all cameras at places where accidents increased after cameras were installed.
---Cameras will not click unless you actually go through the red light.

Want to know the political background about How red light cameras got in Illinois  ? Hint: it's very sleazy and involves lobbyists and foreign companies.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rickey to Obama: Stimulate minority businesses!

State Senator Rickey Hendon in his community meeting this week pointed out a tiny Chicago Sun-Times article: "watch out for those really small articles, they don't want you to know too much!" The article said black and Latino businesses are getting only 1.1 and 1.7 per cent of  federal economic stimulus contracts--even less than they got under Bush programs.  "I always say, politics is like a marriage. What if it's payday, and I take 1.1% of my paycheck home to my wife to pay the bills, and the other 98.9% I spend in all the liquor stores and floosies on my way home? I'd  end up in divorce court for sure," said Rickey.  "Obama needs to dance with who brung him, who put him in office. Ninety per cent of African Americans and 75% of Latinos voted with him. He needs to keep us strong so we can help keep him strong too.  We need these jobs in our community!"  If you agree, call the White House: 202-456-1111.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Rickey's Prayer for Peace

As the Obama administration prepares the biggest defense (mostly for warmaking) budget in history, peace activists plan demonstrations March 20 in Washington DC and Thursday March 18 in downtown Chicago (5:30 p.m. at Dearborn & Adams Streets Federal Plaza).

Friends Committee for National Legislation, the Quaker peace/justice/economy lobby in D.C., reports on the latest Congressional initiatives to cut off money for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Rep. Dennis Kucinich of Cleveland, Ohio is planning to introduced a "privileged House resolution" which will force debate and get Congress to look at its Constitutional responsibilities in decisions regarding war. Knowing the vested interests making money off of killing people here and everywhere, it will take a lot of demonstrating and politicking to stop this war, but it is doable. We did it 40 years ago with Vietnam.No matter what tactics we use, the war is unwinnable.

Hey! If white middle class activists can get together with African Americans, Latinos, Asians and working class and increasingly growing numbers of poor folks, we have a CLEAR MAJORITY to end this war and rebuild our cities, our schools, our environment, and our lives.

Here's my approximate quote (forgive me Senator if i didn't get this exact) of Rickey's prayer which closed our community meeting on Monday March 1:

"And God, tonight when Barack is lying in bed with Michelle, please have her whisper in his ear that he's got to get us out of all these wars, bring our troops home and spend the money on what we need to do here instead of on killing folks that have been fighting for years and don't want us around. And whatever is going on with global warming, all these earthquakes in Haiti and Chile, and snow in places that don't have snow, and tsunamis all over the place...I know that human industries have contributed to messing with Mother Earth, but You're bigger than all of it and you put us here, so please help us try to straighten it all out."